Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Upkeeping a Collection

Good evening fellow Nurds!

This update is all about keeping up a collection. No matter if your collection is open for display, just a collection in a toy box to be played with, or even keeping them in their packages, many things can ruin a collection.

If you do keep a collection and intend to keep it mint in package a couple things that you can experience is deterioration of packaging due to access to moisture or even the yellowing of the clear plastic that is the bubble showcasing your figure. Yellowing can be caused my age, access to elements like sun light, and even nicotine.

When you keep a collection out for display or even in a toy box there are other worries to consider. Not only can the color of your collection be tarnished by the elements but you also leave yourself open to wear and tear, scratches, nicks, and even breakage.

This posting happens to deal with Snout Spout from my MOTUC collection.

Snout Spout sits on my shelf. He has ever since I got him, and that's where he still sits as I'm writing this. If you checked out my MOTUC page then you would have seen this picture.

For those not familiar with Snout Spout, he has a robotic elephant head and is the heroic fire fighter of Eternia. He happily sits to the left on the fourth shelf down.

Still can't find him? Maybe this helps.

Snout Spout, from had an issue with his elephant trunk. The trunk was made of a spongy material like nerf and was able to be poseble able due to a wire in the trunk. After sitting on my shelf for two months, the material cracked and split. Obviously this is a problem.

With all the characters in the MOTUC line, most head sculpts are unique and every character generally sells out the day they are released. This type of a situation leaves you with few options. No other character has a head that resembles Snout Spout and since he is no longer available on the only way to get a replacement is on the secondary market.

Having to collect from the secondary market, for those not familiar, means purchasing from another private collector, secondary stores like (which usually sells out via preorders), or even ebay.

In my particular situation I was able to obtain one via another private collector and didn't have to pay an outrageous price for him. Matter of fact, I paid the $20 which is the equivalent of what he was priced at on As of the time I'm writing this, I'm waiting for him to be shipped. It also took weeks to find someone who had one available for a price that I was willing to pay so patience is also a factor when looking to replace a piece.

Alot of different scenarios can happen when you try to keep up a collection such as I do, therefore not everything is so simple.

I hope you enjoyed this little insight as to what can damage a collection and a further insight as I had to replace a character in my own.

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