Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Cry of Hordak

Yesterday Mattycollector  secretly released a new figure in it's store causing controversy and much outcry.

First let me take you back to 2012, to the New York Comic Con. Mattycollector was present and revealed the Masters of the Universe Classics (MOTUC) figures that we would see through the first quarter of 2013. On the last day a solitary item could be seen that would cause speculation, a white Horde crossbow. We all knew Mantanae would still be to come; however a white crossbow belonged to vintage Hordak. So who did this belong to or was a new weapons pack on the horizon?

Yesterday that question was answered when Mattycollecter silently put up for sale the Spirit of Hordak.

The concept for the Spirit of Hordak figure comes from the mini comic "The Secret Origin of Skeletor." In the mini comic Hordak's physical body is trapped in the dimension of Despondos and can only project an astral image of himself to contact the precursor to Skeletor, Keldor.

Keldor will later strike a deal with Hordak to release him from Despondos in exchange for saving his life.

For the lucky few who have managed to snag one they were greeted with "Congratulations! By magic or by luck, you’ve found a secret figure! "

"This all-clear figure features painted red eyes, chest emblem and removable armband, and comes with a fan-demanded Hordak® cross bow in vintage white. Trust us, this visitor from the dark dimension is up to no good… but you’ll have to get the figure to see his complete bio. Straight from the 2013 mini-comic, “The Secret Origin of Skeletor,” this highly collectable figure is not available with Club Eternia® subscriptions or even during regular monthly sales, so make sure you check back often to try to catch him the next time he decides to project onto this page! "

The back of the card for the Spirit of Hordak was briefly up which also showed his bio (oops).  After a short period of time the card back was removed from the website. His bio is available online, but that is part of the fun.

The Spirit of Hordak was only available online for about 40 minutes and then after being listed as "Sold Out" fans were greeted with a note that said "You're too late. Hordak is back in hiding."

There has been an outcry over how such a release was handled as sub holders, upon purchasing a sub, was told that they would get early access  to figures ahead of time if the were not part of the subscription. Many fans cried foul, that such a release was in violation of Mattycollector's own subscription agreement; however the majority of the response comes from people saying how great of an idea this was as not only to drive traffic back to it's website but also to bring excitement back to the MOTUC line and has not put everyone on a Hordak watch.

Kudos Mattycollector! This was a genius idea and a lot of fun. While I missed out on the sale at the website I will be on my own Hordak watch.

Toyguru of Mattycollector has in the forums stated that the Spirit of Hordak will be available again in the future and through the Early Access program so fear not, Hordak will return. ....which may be a reason to fear it's self.


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