Wednesday, February 29, 2012

New Avengers Trailer

Today the new Avengers trailer came out and it is fantastic! There's about 95% brand new footage in the new trailer.

In the trailer we kind of get an idea about how everything comes together for the Avengers and we also get a good look at the mobility of Loki's new army.

Rather than here me go on and on about it though, enjoy.

Awesome isn't it?

Now up until this point we have not actually seen the Redacted leading up to my assumption that we may not actually see them in an on screen form until the movie actually comes out to theatres. 

The movie releases on May 4th so we might get another trailer for the Avengers before then. If we don't, this is it people. I hope your ready. I am.

"I still believe in heroes." - Nick Fury

-"Nurd" Pat!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Guardian Heroes

Guardian Heroes is a game that I remember fondly from the Sega Saturn and am happy to recieve if on the Xbox 360 through Xbox Live. It is considered to be one of the greatest games on the Sega Saturn by not only critics but also by fans.

Guardian Heroes is a side scrolling action/adventure hack and slash game that also incorperates elements of an RPG as well. The game allows you to earn experiance points  to customize six attributes: Strength (determines physical damage per hit and distance enemies fly when the player hits them), Vitality (increases HP), Intelligence (governs size and strength of spells), Mentality (determines how many MP the player has and how fast MP are recovered), Agility (increases the speed at which characters can do physical and magical attacks) and Luck (modifies damage the player gives and receives, in addition to improving Nicole's selection of spells).

In Guardian Heroes your band of unfortunate misfits include:
Samuel Han (Han)
Physically powerful, Han can inflict a lot of damage even against guarding opponents (as his tackle bypasses blocking), but his movements are slow, and he cannot use much magic. He also has a flaming attack, similar to Ginjirou's lightning attack. He jumps high in the air, ignites, and comes down in flames on his enemies. As he is slow-moving at first, raising his Agility stat will make up for his initial lack of mobility. Han starts the game wielding the sword of the Undead Hero, until it is reclaimed by its true owner. In one of the story arcs, he may acquire a similar sword which grants him the stat bonuses he originally had when wielding the Undead Sword.
Randy M. Green (Randy)
Randy has many spectacular attacks and a large variety of elemental magic, including fireballs, lightning bolts, pools of ice and a devastating laser-like heat ray. However, like a typical sorcerer character, he suffers from low vitality. Randy's familiar, Nando, assists Randy during the story mode of the game, and is available as a playable character in Versus mode. In melee, Randy attacks with multi-hit attacks, his Dancing Wind attack being one of the most effective melee attacks around.
Ginjirou Ibushi (Ginjirou)
Ginjirou has an emphasis on mobility. He has a large variety of moving attacks, but this can also work against him. He also has a number of lightning/thunder attacks. Though his attack power is weaker than Han's, the sheer number of hits he is capable of dealing to enemies makes him a formidable character, and his lightning attacks allow him to deliver more hits to any single target than any other character in the game, meaning he can rack up combo points very easily and gain levels just as quickly.
Nicole Neil (Nicole)
Nicole has weak attacks and random magic. She has a smiley face emblem on her amulet and most of her magic attacks incorporate a smiley face. She is the only hero who can use healing magic, but as a drawback her attacks are the weakest of the four heroes. Experienced gamers quickly learned about her Barrier ability, which damages enemies until they are forced away from her; if an enemy could not be forced away from Nicole (e.g. the Barrier pushes the enemy against the wall), then it would suffer grievous wounds until the barrier wore off. If the enemy were to block the barrier attack and was standing against the wall, which would effectively trap them in place, the barrier would deal massive amounts of damage, often leaving only a bit of health afterwards.
Serena Corsair (Serena)
A well-balanced character, Serena (possibly meant to be Selena) the Knight has a wide variety of moves and a good selection of magic spells, the majority of which revolve around cold and ice. The most powerful of these are her Angel Breath, which creates an umbrella-like field of ice particles around herself when used, protecting her from physical attacks and freezing anything close to her, and the Valkyrie Javelin, which is similar to Randy's Super Magic Fire Blaster, but it freezes attackers instead of burning them. Serena joins the player as an NPC in story mode, but is later unlockable as a player-controlled character. Kanon later reveals that Serena is actually the surviving heir of the murdered Khans, making her a legitimate contender for the throne. She is the only hidden character that can be played in story mode.
Undead Hero
A powerful warrior who died when the Khans were killed. His body returns to life when his sword is accidentally brought to his grave. He reclaims his weapon and goes on a rampage, until the heroes realize that they can control him. In the game, the Undead Hero is a NPC who can be given simple directions by the players: Follow, Wait, Attack, Defend, and Berserk.

 Long before the beginning of the game, a supreme being created the universe to find ultimate warriors to hire as its personal soldiers. In the past, humans merely existed, cowering in fear as a vicious battle was waged between the Earth and Sky Spirits. The Sky Spirits decided to bestow incredible powers unto the humans, effectively making powerful wizards for their own gain. With their new-found powers, the human wizards joined the effort against the Earth Spirits, banishing them into the darkness. Soon after this was accomplished, the Sky Spirits grew fearful and jealous of the humans, and banished them all into the very same darkness with the Earth Spirits. Mankind instead opted for a more physical approach to life, and the Time of the Sword began.

Several decades before the game begins, one of the human wizards, Kanon, managed to escape his imprisonment with the Earth Spirits, and came back to the surface so that he might eventually get his revenge on the Sky Spirits. There, he brought his case up with the existing khans; since they did not trust him, he destroyed them and replaced their kingdom with a wizard kingdom, with puppet khans to do his will. Things were not entirely rosy for Kanon, however; the former king prophesied, prior to his death, that should his reign and the Time of the Sword be brought to such an abrupt end, then eventually the sword would again resurface and in turn bring an end to Kanon's reign. As a precaution, Kanon banished most every existing sword in his new kingdom, but he overlooked one particular sword, belonging to a fierce, anonymous warrior who fought especially valiantly to the death during Kanon's takeover. Also, the former princess, Serena, survived the ordeal, and joined the band of knights to try to bring about Kanon's end from the inside.

At the game's start, four warriors - Han, Randy (with his pet rabbit, Nando), Nicole and Ginjirou - find the sword of the valiant warrior. Just as they decide to begin relaxing for the remainder of the night, Serena bursts in, hastily warning them that the knights have learned of their possession of such a powerful sword, and are coming to take it back, no matter the costs. The four flee their home as it bursts up in flames during the invasion, then escape the town via their separate ways, rendezvousing at the graveyard nearby.

Upon reaching the graveyard, they discover the leader of the Black Knights, Valgar, awaiting them, and accompanied by a very powerful robotic warrior. The five do battle with it, but fail to do a large amount of damage to it. Finally, as Han resolves to use the new sword against the robot, the sword is struck by lightning, electrocuting Han and causing him to lose his grip on it. The sword, now seemingly with a life of its own, floats over to a large mound nearby, where a zombified warrior in golden armor arises from the dead - the same warrior who valiantly fought to the death so many years ago - and claims the sword as his own. Enraged, he easily obliterates Valgar's robot, and begins to attack Serena. Nicole, uncertain of what to do, politely asks the warrior to stop attacking them - to the five's surprise, he does so. Quickly realizing that the warrior is willing to act on any command that they give him, they resolve that, with this new ally, the time to begin an attack on Kanon's new kingdom is at hand.

The story mode alows you to play solo or also play with friends via Xbox Live.

Guardian Heroes is also known for having a branching off story mode that allows you to select what path you will follow which not only increases the replayability with increased story elements but also multiple endings.

Guardian Heroes also does include a versus mode that allows you to play with not only the basic 4 playable characters but also with any other character you defeat in the story mode. Everyone from the Sky Spirits down to the Civilan Wimp are playable.  And with leaderboards to keep up with who is the higheset ranking with each character, theres no reason to not try them all.

Personally, having both the Sega Saturn version and now the remasters Xbox Arcade edition, I thought I would give it a good test run for comparison.  From the minute I started at the main menu all the music was familiar and a pleasure to my ears. I must say that from the get go, Guardian Heroes is a beast, even on the Normal difficulty settings. I will be the first to tell you that the original debug code that allows you to use Serena from the begining and start with 200 experience points does not work. Needless to say, its gonna take me a minute to get through it or to call out for some back up because this game is rough.

Guardian Heroes on the Xbox 360 is getting reviews of 8.5 and 9 out of 10 depending on who is reviewing it. This game gets two thumbs up from me because thats all my momma and the good Lord gave me.

Guardian Heroes can be found on Xbox Live for 800 Microsoft points.

-"Nurd" Pat!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Fearless Photog

Happy Action Figure Friday everyone!

To kick off AFF (Action Figure Friday) I received Fearless Photog in the mail today. Fearless Photog is the first of the 30th Anniversary of Masters of the Universe line up.

As we covered in my Matty Sale blog Fearless Photog was created by a fan in a contest and has now been 20 years in the making. At first I wasn't sure how well I would enjoy this character once he was announced. I thought "Oh God, this is gonna be a crap figure." but now that I have him in my hands I absolutely love this figure.

Of course as with all MOTUC figures Fearless Photog comes in a white mailer box. Nothing fancy with this box. I will say that for the new mailer boxes he was relatively easy to remove, not like Demo-Man was.

So we do see printed on the box the Masters of the Universe Classics logo and the name Fearless Photog clearly printed on the front.

On thing I thought would be a nice touch is if instead of the Masters of the Universe Classics logo we got the 30th Anniversary logo on the front. It would really help set this collection apart from the normal subscription while still unified since it still says Masters of the Universe.

Here's the man of the hour, Fearless Photog. Ok, so I don't have a picture of him in his package. When I got him I wasn't thinking about a blog post and I was excited to get him out of the package.

The package is your typical MOTUC packaging so nothing special there. There is a burst on the package that would normally say "The Original" however for Photog is states "Created by Nathan Bitner."

Fearless Photog comes with what you see here, himself, a shield, and a blaster. Pretty standers type accessories since everyone has about two.

You can see the "running man" emblem on his chest. As you move Fearless Photog the running man actually moves as well.

Fearless Photog's head is shaped like a movie camera. Which is a really awesome design. The curvature at the bottom of ....only what I can assume would be a chin line does hinder the articulation a little bit when you try to move his head to the side.

One other notable feature is that his head also has a telescoping zoom with the use of a lever. The lever is hid near the back of his head and becomes visible in his profile as it slides forward.

From what I gather from forums and Mattycollector's facebook page is that some people receive Fearless Photog with a cracked lense in the front of his face. Taking a close look and under a light I didn't see such a crack in mine. I do see "inclusions" from how it was made in order to rest in the molding so the head can be put together, but no crack. Maybe I'm not seeing something that is there, but then again, maybe I'm just one of the lucky ones.

In this picture you can clearly see the running man on his chest and in the above picture, hopefully, you can see how it is supposed to move.

Fearless Photog's accessories are a shield and a blaster. The shield is made of two parts. The first is a grey backing and the front is made from a yellow translucent plastic to look like a camera lens.

His second accessory is one that wasn't created by Nathan Bitner. The original design of Fearless Photog did not include a blaster. The Four Horsemen (4H) have designed a blaster that takes its design from a movie camera.

One thing that I wasn't  happy with was that the paint app could have been better. Some of the back on his leg seems light and dirty and even the yellow seems a little dirty. I'm not one to really complain about paint apps, but this one is a bit of an eye sore.

In this picture you can also get a good look at the film reel style belt for Fearless Photog.

Overall, with Fearless Photog, the joints are solid and we get to enjoy the standard articulation as we get with most of the male MOTUC figures. While the paint apps leave a bit to be desired in some spots, Fearless Photog is  vibrant edition to the MOTUC line and a great way to kick off the 30th Anniversary of Masters of the Universe line.

Nathan Bitner, if you or anyone who knows you are reading this, thank you for this wonderful and completely original design of a character.

And to quote a follow collector that I read  couple days ago, paired with Roboto, "Yes, these are the droids I've been looking for."

-"Nurd" Pat!

2/24/12 Update

Fresh off of a nine day stint since my last post its time to change things up a little bit.

From the get go I had hoped this to be a daily blog but as days seem to go on, dragging myself to a computer gets harder and harder. Personally I blame having a smart phone. My smart phone allows me to check my email, facebook, twitter, etc, etc while on the go however it is much harder to update a blog such as this from my smart phone.

Where this brings me, and hopefully joyous to my readers, rather than coming back every day I will post starting once a week, most likely on Fridays or Saturdays. An end of week posting will allow me to update for the complete week on such things as action figures, games, movies, and so forth.

I'm hoping this will put things on a regular basis and hopefully get back to some of the fun things I initially laid out such as Ani-Mondays and Action Figure Fridays.

Speaking of Action Figure Fridays, boy do I have an update today. My items from Matty Day came in and I thought I would share them with you and let you know what I think.

Also today I will cram in a couple other items so bear with me here.

-"Nurd" Pat!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Matty Day

Happy Matty Day everyone. What is Matty Day? Matty day is the day where we all run to our computers to purchase figures from and wait and wait and wait on the white screen of death.

Today is a big day on for a couple of reasons. Reason number one is we have the opportunity to purchase what was supposed to be the first official figure of 2012 in the MOTUC line the Sorceress and also the Febuary figure Fisto. In conjunction with these figures we get the first of the 30th Anniversary figure line with the Fearless Photog. Also on Blazingsword Voltron becomes available if you didn't pick him up at the 2011 SDCC and last but not least we get the Red Lion of the Lion Force and pilot Lance.

First up is the Sorceress. I was really excited to get this figure when she wasn announced into the line and kind of sad that she was pushed back into Febuary. This figure beautifully represents the way she looked back in the '80's Filmation series. Sorceress also comes with her staff and Zoar, the falcon she transforms into when leaving Castle Greyskull. Zoar also comes packaged with her perch and armor.

The Febuary figure to be released is Fisto. Fisto is the brother to Man-At-Arms who was beleived to have deserted during the Great Unrest but actually had amnesia. After shattering his hand while protecting the Masters from the Snakemen, he was given a mechanical hand by his brother Man-At-Arms.

Fisto is a great looking figure and I'm really happy Mattycollector recanted on thier postion to do away with anything that has to do with the 200X design. With Fisto not only do we get his deco of from the '80's, we also get a new head, belt, and sword for his 200X look. Both are impressive looking so it will be hard to decide how to display him.

The first of the 30th Anniversary of MOTU line is Fearless Photog. Mattel once held a contest for children to create a new Masters of the Universe character and the winner would not only have a figure made of the character but would also recieve $100,000 towards a college tuition. While Mattel did make good on the college tuition Masters of the Universe died out before a figure could be made. Here we are celebrating the 30th year of MOTU and Mattel makes good on its promise. I honestly can't think of a better way to celebrate than the release of Fearless Photog.

All of the figures above could be yours for the price of $22 if not a subscribed Club Eternia member ($20 for members) while supplies last.

This year not only marks the 30th Anniversay of MOTU but also the first year that Mattel has access to Filmation characters. The first Filmation character to recieve the plastic treatment is also the Club Eternia exclusive, and the number one fan requested character, Shadow Weaver.

I really like the Shadow Weaver figure. It very much matches the Filmation look. I'm a little be skectical on the solid base for legs because it doesn't leave much room for posability and i'm concerned that it will either be A) solid and heavy or B) be hollow and feel cheap. Only time will tell until I recieve it in my mail box.

I am displeased that they decided to make this figure the club exclusive. It would make more sense for her to be accessable to more people and to some who buy multiples. It didn't make sense to me other than to drive subscription sales. In the past we saw non essential characters for the club exclusive such as Wun-Dar and a Preternain He-Man, also known as Hamberlar He-Man.

Blazing Sword Voltron was first available at the 2011 San Diego Comic Con and later on There doesn't seem to be any kind of a change in packaging so essentially apprears to be the exact same offering. It is nice to see that Blazing Sword Voltron is avaiable again with the first Lion to be release in the Club Lion Force subscription.

Blazing Sword Voltron is available on $30.

Now we come to the big boy of the sale, the Red Lion of the Lion Force. I wish I could have picked up on this one but the price is overwhelming when you consider that I'm a Club Eternia member.

As part of Club Lion Force you will recieve the Red Lion, Voltron's Right arm, and the Red Lion pilot Lance. The will be boxed individually however shipped together. Once all 5 lions have been collected you can form Voltron, standing an amazing 23" tall! Each pilot also comes with a piece to create Voltron's blazing sword.

Words can NOT describe how disappointed I feel knowing that this is on item I will have to pass up on this sale. I was a fan of Voltron in the past and I love collector pieces. I wish I could have picked him up today, but the price point is just too much right now. Also not being part of Club Lion Force, there is always the possibilty of missing a lion in the end. Hopefully one day I will be able to pick up on this set on the secondary market.

The Red Lion and pilot Lance can be yours for the hefty price of $50.

Regularly Scheduled Update

Welcome back everybody and welcome back to me. I took a bit of a break there over the weekend and on Monday. I realize that I may not be updating every day moving forward but I will update often so make sure to subscribe to make sure your getting the updates.

Now that we have that out of the way, lets get to some updates.

-"Nurd" Pat!

Friday, February 10, 2012

NYTF Action Figure Fridays

Welcome everyone to the first installment of "Action Figure Friday" and what a way to start it than with today being the opening day for the Anual New York Toy Fair? This weekend I will be bringing to you some of that very toy fair here, on Nurdgasmic!

Some of the first items I've been seing from the New York Toy Fair (NYTF) is a board game, but not just any board game, its the Avengers Mighty Battle brought to us by Jakk's Pacific.

From the looks of the game it appears to be our typical marble shooting board game in which we get to choose one if the Avengers, either Thor, the Incredible Hulk, Captain America (my choice), or Iron Man. Launch weapons! Blast enemies!

This is pretty much what I would assume a board game marketted for the summer blockbuster would be.

What is note worthy here folks is this is possibly the first time we will get to see who the villians of the Avengers are in the movie, allegedly. In the movie Loki brings his army to Earth in order to rule all of Midgard, or Earth, for those needing a refresher. Speculation has always been his army would be the skrulls; however rumors depict that Marvel did not have rights to use the Skrulls as the rights to the characters have already been swooped up by another film company. The alien race would be known as the Redacted, a variation of the Skrull race.

Now if you ask me these guys look pretty skrull like. Thats what I say with my fan based, expert opinion. So are these the Skrulls? Are they the alien race known as the Redacted? Or are the skrulls used in the board game since merchandise would be available proir to the films release as a way to conceal the look of the Redacted? As of this point we can not know for sure. One thing I do know for sure is that Skrull and Redacted alike, know and fear two words, AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!

-"Nurd" Pat!

Images borrowed from MT Geek.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Halo 4

"Campaign is playable from start to finish and multiplayer has been running for a while."

-Frank O'Conner

I was overjoyed when I read these words a few minutes ago from Frank O'Conner, from 343 Studios, because we're talking about Halo 4. Now I don't want to take the words out of context because he did say that the game is in no way finished or polished but what this does tell me is that we should hopefully be seeing some game play at E3 this year.

E3, for those who don't know about it, is the Electronics Entertainment Expo in California every year and its where gaming studios will show off new games in production, new gaming technology and where companies Sony and Microsoft may very well be debuting the new generation of gaming consoles this year.

Getting back on track I thought I would drop this by you guys. There's nothing in the way of details and plot lines but let the speculation begin.

Halo 4 is set to release later this year and will relaunch the franchise into a new trilogy titled "The Reclaimer Trilogy" and once again we will be set in the world of Master Chief and Cortana as they embark on a new adventure.

Read more to what Frank O'Conner had to say here.

- "Nurd" Pat!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

MOTUC Demo-Man

So this is going to be one of those random posts but its one that I was looking forward to and honestly, one that helped pushed me to create this blog in the first place. This post may be late as it covers a December subscription figure in my MOTUC collection but its one that maybe not many have heard of and his name is Demo-Man.

Demo-Man is based on the concept art that was originally intended to be used for Skeletor as He-Man was based on a design that later became the figure of Vikor.

As you can see there isn't that much of a similarity. The only similarity is that of Vikor to Conan the Barbarian, but that's because that's who was the inspiration to create him.

So I was happy to get Demo-Man home because he is one of those obscure characters who really wasn't given an identity of his own until the back story of Skeletor was written.

The one thing that was obvious when I got him home was that this guy is GREEN! There's no mistaking him. I did also notice that I had a hard time taking him out of his white mailer box. I'm not sure if its because his packaging was larger than others or because the mailer boxes were decreased in size. Only time will tell as more boxes come later.

Here is Demo-Man out of his package and yep, hes still green. The green is so bright and neon that its the one thing you notice first about him. Taking a good look at him you could never guess that hes part of Skeletor. His face is a bit skull like but that's as far as it goes.

Demo-Man did come with a variety of accessories. He came with a sword that resembles a scimitar, his mace, a skull in a helmet, and even a Skeletor like face, but I will discuss that one later.

It was nice to see the level of detail in Demo-Man because you can tell a lot of care was taken to make this character a reality. His skin is toned in green to reflect muscle forms on his body and his armor and swords have dings and scratches in them. Even the skull in the helmet was a nice addition because it has nothing to do with anything other than its on the ground in the concept art and that it has a peg hole so it can fit onto another characters neck peg.

The head and armor are removable as with most MOTUC figures. The neck peg can be replaced with the alternate Skeletor head or the skull int he helmet.

The alternate Skeletor head is whats known as the Alcala head and that's because when the original He-Man mini comic that came out it was drawn by a man named Alfredo Alcala. His vision of Skeletor gave him a much more gnarly looking face with crooked teeth and these crazy eyes.

Overall I'm glad to have been able to add Demo-Man to my collection today because not only is he an awesome character, there is a lot of back story to him and how he actually came to be a character in the Masters of the Universe Classics line.

-"Nurd" Pat!


New Page

Today I added a new page called "MOTU Collection"

MOTU stands for Masters of the Universe if you didn't know. Here I will show case my favorite of all my collections, my Masters of the Universe, or for children of the 80's, He-Man.

The line was reestablished in 2008 as a collectors line (Masters of the Universe Classics, or MOTUC) and has subsequently grown from a simple "one figure per month" formula to a full scale subscription based collectors line. Feel free to check out the page for your enjoyment.

While it is everything from vintage to the MOTUC, the majority is MOTUC as every incarnation of the franchise is molded into one solid toy line.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

UMvC3: Weapon Expert

Well, creating this blog on a Tuesday and we still have 15 more minutes of it so lets just jump right in.

Today we saw the release of Capcom's DLC Weapon Expert costume pack for Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. I was really excited about this pack because we get two awesome Marvel costumes, for Hawkeye and Taskmaster, and two Capcom costumes, for Trish and Zero.

"Shortly after Clint Barton came back from the dead (everybody does it at least once or twice, y’know), he decided to leave the Hawkeye moniker behind him and adopt a new super-heroic identity as Ronin (which in turn was an identity and costume left behind by the character traditionally known as Echo). He maintained the Ronin name and look throughout the Secret Invasion, Dark Reign and Siege events (all available at Marvel Digital Comics near you!), until he was all like, “Hey, I wanna be Hawkeye again,” once the Heroic Age came along."

I was really excited about Hawkeye's "Ronin" costume mostly because it makes him look like a ninja. Yes, I know my reasoning is very simple to say the least, but for the sake of being simple, so is my reasoning for ...

Back in 2002, UDON Entertainment – if you’re reading this, you’ve definitely seen some of their great MvC-related art – had their own take on Taskmaster. It was pretty different than the traditional look, but it was also quite badass in its own right. You might remember, we referenced it via palette swap in MvC3, but the time has finally come for this great design to get the treatment it deserves."

This Taskmaster is just bad ass looking. I've never seen where this came from by Udon but this is one of the best new costumes I've seen.

"Spoiler alert - this Gloria alt is actually just Trish in disguise, as seen in Devil May Cry 4. You'd think this would be an easy conversion, where the team could just pluck her model from DMC4 and be done with it. Not so - Nara-san (who was part of the DMC team) and the dev team had to recreate this costume from scratch. Other options for Trish included Lady and Lucia."

This costume I have to say that I never saw it coming when Capcom announced new costumes for everyone and I have to ask myself why because I played DMC4. Its a great looking costume. Its hot, its sexy, I'll take it. ;)

Last but not least is one that many people had mixed reviews about, but I love it and its one of my favorites.

 "Zero sheds his signature armor to duplicate the iconic appearance of Mega Man X, a total makeover that warms my heart. This is one of the more thorough DLC costumes, which completely alters the original model and even loses Zero's ponytail. The dev team said they had many other options on the table, including Proto Man, GBA Mega Man Zero, Classic Mega Man or Star Force Mega Man, but decided to keep it in the family with this X homage."

I can't express how happy I am with this costume. The one image that comes to mind is X taking up the Z saber and searching for his lost friend Zero. The Mega Man Zero Costume would have worked but with X I could not be happier.

This costume got mixed reviews for the fact that Mega Man and X, both highly requested characters for UMvC3 and were both denied. It seems that Capcom has been trolling hard on Mega Man all through out UMvC3 and even more with the unveiling of a fat "Mega Man" based on the concept art from the original Mega Man box on the NES.

I'm happy I picked up on this DLC because these are 4 great new costumes. Pick it up and add a little weapon expertice to your roster today.

-"Nurd" Pat!

*Quotes and pictures borrowed from Capcom Unity


Welcome to my new blog NURDGASMIC!

I know what your thinking right out of the gate. Why "Nurdgasmic" and not "Nerdasmic"? Two simple reasons my friends. One, Nerdgasmic was taken and two, nurd is recognized in the dictionary as an alternate spelling of nerd. So now you know, and knowing is half the battle. ;)

Here your brain will be assaulted my many things such as comics, video games, anime, action figures, and much more. Information and opinions will be coming at you on a regular schedule so expect the week to go like this:

Mondays - AniMondays. AniMonday is Anime day here on the blog. Maybe I will discuss a new series, maybe a particular episode, upcoming releases, who knows. We will just have to see how AniMondays lay out.

Tuesdays - (no fancy name here). On Tuesdays we generally see new games released, DLC, and DVDs. That's quite a wide range of things so check it out. Maybe we will look at a DVD or game you've been on the fence about.

Wednesdays - Comic Day. Wednesdays are new release comic days at our local comic shops so be it Marvel, DC, Image, Top Cow, new comics, back issues, trades, here is where you can find it.

Thursdays - Hey, we all need a day off. This is more of a free style day so anything can pop up here, or sometimes nothing at all. Hell, maybe cosplay.

Fridays - Action Figure Fridays! Yes, Action Figure Fridays. Everyone loves toys (its okay to admit it here) and on Fridays we go out, purchase a new action figure and review it for you. We also discuss the turmoils in figure collecting, action figure news, and try to have a good time. Its been a long week so lets have a little fun.

Saturdays - Movie Day. Saturdays we will discuss one or two of the weeks newly released movies, ...unless they suck. Hey, this isn't your blog. You don't want to sit through sucky movies and neither do I.

Sundays - Go to church. Sleep off your Saturday night hangover. Either way, I won't be here either.

Of course this is all relative and we will see some things pop up on the not normal days so again, check back. You never know what you may find here.

Its gonna be a fun ride so I hope you enjoy and have a nurdgasm.

-"Nurd" Pat!