Wednesday, February 29, 2012

New Avengers Trailer

Today the new Avengers trailer came out and it is fantastic! There's about 95% brand new footage in the new trailer.

In the trailer we kind of get an idea about how everything comes together for the Avengers and we also get a good look at the mobility of Loki's new army.

Rather than here me go on and on about it though, enjoy.

Awesome isn't it?

Now up until this point we have not actually seen the Redacted leading up to my assumption that we may not actually see them in an on screen form until the movie actually comes out to theatres. 

The movie releases on May 4th so we might get another trailer for the Avengers before then. If we don't, this is it people. I hope your ready. I am.

"I still believe in heroes." - Nick Fury

-"Nurd" Pat!

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