Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Welcome to my new blog NURDGASMIC!

I know what your thinking right out of the gate. Why "Nurdgasmic" and not "Nerdasmic"? Two simple reasons my friends. One, Nerdgasmic was taken and two, nurd is recognized in the dictionary as an alternate spelling of nerd. So now you know, and knowing is half the battle. ;)

Here your brain will be assaulted my many things such as comics, video games, anime, action figures, and much more. Information and opinions will be coming at you on a regular schedule so expect the week to go like this:

Mondays - AniMondays. AniMonday is Anime day here on the blog. Maybe I will discuss a new series, maybe a particular episode, upcoming releases, who knows. We will just have to see how AniMondays lay out.

Tuesdays - (no fancy name here). On Tuesdays we generally see new games released, DLC, and DVDs. That's quite a wide range of things so check it out. Maybe we will look at a DVD or game you've been on the fence about.

Wednesdays - Comic Day. Wednesdays are new release comic days at our local comic shops so be it Marvel, DC, Image, Top Cow, new comics, back issues, trades, here is where you can find it.

Thursdays - Hey, we all need a day off. This is more of a free style day so anything can pop up here, or sometimes nothing at all. Hell, maybe cosplay.

Fridays - Action Figure Fridays! Yes, Action Figure Fridays. Everyone loves toys (its okay to admit it here) and on Fridays we go out, purchase a new action figure and review it for you. We also discuss the turmoils in figure collecting, action figure news, and try to have a good time. Its been a long week so lets have a little fun.

Saturdays - Movie Day. Saturdays we will discuss one or two of the weeks newly released movies, ...unless they suck. Hey, this isn't your blog. You don't want to sit through sucky movies and neither do I.

Sundays - Go to church. Sleep off your Saturday night hangover. Either way, I won't be here either.

Of course this is all relative and we will see some things pop up on the not normal days so again, check back. You never know what you may find here.

Its gonna be a fun ride so I hope you enjoy and have a nurdgasm.

-"Nurd" Pat!

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