Wednesday, February 8, 2012

MOTUC Demo-Man

So this is going to be one of those random posts but its one that I was looking forward to and honestly, one that helped pushed me to create this blog in the first place. This post may be late as it covers a December subscription figure in my MOTUC collection but its one that maybe not many have heard of and his name is Demo-Man.

Demo-Man is based on the concept art that was originally intended to be used for Skeletor as He-Man was based on a design that later became the figure of Vikor.

As you can see there isn't that much of a similarity. The only similarity is that of Vikor to Conan the Barbarian, but that's because that's who was the inspiration to create him.

So I was happy to get Demo-Man home because he is one of those obscure characters who really wasn't given an identity of his own until the back story of Skeletor was written.

The one thing that was obvious when I got him home was that this guy is GREEN! There's no mistaking him. I did also notice that I had a hard time taking him out of his white mailer box. I'm not sure if its because his packaging was larger than others or because the mailer boxes were decreased in size. Only time will tell as more boxes come later.

Here is Demo-Man out of his package and yep, hes still green. The green is so bright and neon that its the one thing you notice first about him. Taking a good look at him you could never guess that hes part of Skeletor. His face is a bit skull like but that's as far as it goes.

Demo-Man did come with a variety of accessories. He came with a sword that resembles a scimitar, his mace, a skull in a helmet, and even a Skeletor like face, but I will discuss that one later.

It was nice to see the level of detail in Demo-Man because you can tell a lot of care was taken to make this character a reality. His skin is toned in green to reflect muscle forms on his body and his armor and swords have dings and scratches in them. Even the skull in the helmet was a nice addition because it has nothing to do with anything other than its on the ground in the concept art and that it has a peg hole so it can fit onto another characters neck peg.

The head and armor are removable as with most MOTUC figures. The neck peg can be replaced with the alternate Skeletor head or the skull int he helmet.

The alternate Skeletor head is whats known as the Alcala head and that's because when the original He-Man mini comic that came out it was drawn by a man named Alfredo Alcala. His vision of Skeletor gave him a much more gnarly looking face with crooked teeth and these crazy eyes.

Overall I'm glad to have been able to add Demo-Man to my collection today because not only is he an awesome character, there is a lot of back story to him and how he actually came to be a character in the Masters of the Universe Classics line.

-"Nurd" Pat!


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