Tuesday, February 7, 2012

UMvC3: Weapon Expert

Well, creating this blog on a Tuesday and we still have 15 more minutes of it so lets just jump right in.

Today we saw the release of Capcom's DLC Weapon Expert costume pack for Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. I was really excited about this pack because we get two awesome Marvel costumes, for Hawkeye and Taskmaster, and two Capcom costumes, for Trish and Zero.

"Shortly after Clint Barton came back from the dead (everybody does it at least once or twice, y’know), he decided to leave the Hawkeye moniker behind him and adopt a new super-heroic identity as Ronin (which in turn was an identity and costume left behind by the character traditionally known as Echo). He maintained the Ronin name and look throughout the Secret Invasion, Dark Reign and Siege events (all available at Marvel Digital Comics near you!), until he was all like, “Hey, I wanna be Hawkeye again,” once the Heroic Age came along."

I was really excited about Hawkeye's "Ronin" costume mostly because it makes him look like a ninja. Yes, I know my reasoning is very simple to say the least, but for the sake of being simple, so is my reasoning for ...

Back in 2002, UDON Entertainment – if you’re reading this, you’ve definitely seen some of their great MvC-related art – had their own take on Taskmaster. It was pretty different than the traditional look, but it was also quite badass in its own right. You might remember, we referenced it via palette swap in MvC3, but the time has finally come for this great design to get the treatment it deserves."

This Taskmaster is just bad ass looking. I've never seen where this came from by Udon but this is one of the best new costumes I've seen.

"Spoiler alert - this Gloria alt is actually just Trish in disguise, as seen in Devil May Cry 4. You'd think this would be an easy conversion, where the team could just pluck her model from DMC4 and be done with it. Not so - Nara-san (who was part of the DMC team) and the dev team had to recreate this costume from scratch. Other options for Trish included Lady and Lucia."

This costume I have to say that I never saw it coming when Capcom announced new costumes for everyone and I have to ask myself why because I played DMC4. Its a great looking costume. Its hot, its sexy, I'll take it. ;)

Last but not least is one that many people had mixed reviews about, but I love it and its one of my favorites.

 "Zero sheds his signature armor to duplicate the iconic appearance of Mega Man X, a total makeover that warms my heart. This is one of the more thorough DLC costumes, which completely alters the original model and even loses Zero's ponytail. The dev team said they had many other options on the table, including Proto Man, GBA Mega Man Zero, Classic Mega Man or Star Force Mega Man, but decided to keep it in the family with this X homage."

I can't express how happy I am with this costume. The one image that comes to mind is X taking up the Z saber and searching for his lost friend Zero. The Mega Man Zero Costume would have worked but with X I could not be happier.

This costume got mixed reviews for the fact that Mega Man and X, both highly requested characters for UMvC3 and were both denied. It seems that Capcom has been trolling hard on Mega Man all through out UMvC3 and even more with the unveiling of a fat "Mega Man" based on the concept art from the original Mega Man box on the NES.

I'm happy I picked up on this DLC because these are 4 great new costumes. Pick it up and add a little weapon expertice to your roster today.

-"Nurd" Pat!

*Quotes and pictures borrowed from Capcom Unity

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